International specialized exhibition of energy-saving equipment and alternative energy sources ISTWE
«Smart City» & «Smart Home»
11 – 12 September 2025
Solar Energy: Practical demonstrations of modern solar panels and energy storage systems.
Wind Energy: Expert presentations and demonstrations of wind turbines.
Hydropower: Demonstrations of hydropower efficiency and the latest hydropower technologies.
Innovative Technologies: Viewing new devices and technical solutions in the field of alternative energy sources.
Practical Demonstrations: An opportunity to get a closer look at the operation and capabilities of various energy devices.
Why you should join: Exposition of the latest developments: Explore advanced technologies and equipment in the field of energy saving and alternative energy sources. Expert lectures and seminars: Listen to presentations by prominent experts in smart city, smart home and renewable energy. Networking and business forums: Find new partners, exchange ideas and create connections with key industry players. | ![]() |
- energy-saving equipment;
- alternative equipment;
- technologies and equipment for heating and water supply;
- hydropower – units, installations, appliances, power plants;
- engineering services, energy audit, energy management, etc.;
- wind energy – windfarms;
- wind power stations, windmills, wind turbines, wind generators;
- solar energy; solar energy, solar industry,
- solar power plants, products and solutions for solar energy integration;
- biomass energy;
- biogas plants and equipment;
- biodiesel plants and equipment;
- energy saving «Smart City» & «Smart Home»
- meteorological equipment.
Forum-exhibition «Innovations in Smart City & Smart Home», within the framework of the International Exhibition «ISTWE»
This event will bring together leading experts and companies to explore and discuss advanced solutions in the field of smart technologies for cities and homes.
The main topics of the forum-exhibition: Intelligent City Management: Implementation of modern technologies to improve urban management and services. Smart Infrastructure: Innovations in urban infrastructure to improve life support and comfort. Security and Monitoring Systems: The application of smart technologies to ensure safety in cities and homes. Energy Efficiency in Smart Cities and Smart Homes: The use of technology to optimise energy use and reduce waste. Interactive Solutions for the Home: Advanced technologies for creating a smart and comfortable home. | ![]() |
This event will be a great opportunity to discuss and explore the latest developments in the smart city and home. Join us to join the discussions and shape the future of smart technologies!
International specialized exhibition ISTWE
International specialized exhibition of energy-saving equipment and alternative energy sources ISTWE is an exclusive professional event for participants of energy-saving equipment market, scientific developments and modern production technologies; electrical, thermal and mechanical energy usage of alternative, renewable energy sources, which include solar energy, wind, geothermal, wave and tidal power, hydro, biomass, natural gas from organic waste, gas stations, sewerage, biogas, and secondary energy sources (blast, cokeovengas,methane gas drainage of coal mines,waste conversion process energy potential).
Conference «Innovations in Alternative Energy Sources»
This event will be the central forum for discussing and exploring advanced technologies, trends and strategies in the field of alternative energy sources.
The main topics of the conference:
- Innovative technologies in solar energy.
- Wind energy: from new concepts to project implementation.
- Hydropower: development and prospects.
- Technologies for the use of biomass and geothermal energy.
- Integration of alternative sources into the energy systems of cities and industrial complexes.
- Efficiency and environmental aspects of using alternative energy sources.
Express your ideas, share experiences and find answers to key questions in the field of alternative energy sources during the conference. We invite everyone interested to join the discussions and create a clean energy future.
NC Expocenter of Ukraine 1, Acad. Hlushkov Ave, Kyiv, Ukraine