Exhibition program

International specialized exhibition of energy-saving equipment and alternative energy sources «ISTWE» «Smart City» & «Smart Home»

 Kyiv, Ukraine

11 – 12 September, 2025

Conference Program

  • Survival and work in the oil and fat industry, which was caused by the war. Ways out of the crisis.

Kapshuk Stepan Pavlovych 

General Director of the Association «Ukroliyaprom»

  • Energy independence of a manufacturing enterprise. Fuel for technology and electricity generation.

Fareniuk Yuriy Volodymyrovych

Director of TEFF LLC

  • Financing energy independence projects.

Oleksiy Yuriyovych Savin

Director of the Sustainable Banking Department of JSB «UKRGASBANK»

  • Energy-efficient home – energy-sufficient country.

Silin Serhiy Valeriyovych

Brand Manager EcoFlow

Coffee Pause

  • Biogas plants of all capacities for processing and utilization of all waste from households, small and medium-sized enterprises of the agricultural and industrial complex.

Sydorchuk Olga

Director of the Agrobiogas Company

  • Practice of optimal implementation of large-scale projects of oil extraction plants.

Vusyk Andriy Andriyovych

Deputy General Director of Myande Group Co, LTD for Ukraine.

Coffee Pause

  • Presentation of Huatai Machinery Company: oilseed processing and pressing, oil extraction, oil refining and oil fractionation project, conveyor equipment project, corn flour, groats, corn germ milling machines and processing lines, biodiesel technology, cottonseed, rice, bran and soybean protein technology, sunflower oil processing lines.

Henan Huatai LLC

Olexander Yarosh

  • Sustainable Biomass Cultivation on Marginal Lands

Mykola Volodymyrovych Roik

Institute of Bioenergy Crops and Sugar Beet, NAAS

  • «Main areas of cooperation between the Department of Technology of Fats and Perfumery and Cosmetic Products of the National University of Food Technologies and enterprises of the agro-industrial complex»

Associate Professor Romanovska Tetyana Ivanivna

National University of Food Technologies

  • The use of amaranth oil in baby food.

Oksana Vasylivna Tochkova 

Associate Professor, Department of Canning Technology, National University of Chemistry and Technology

Coffee Pause

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